Why we travel

Köln Hauptbahnhof, Germany

Last Updated on 8th January 2019 by Sarah and Justin

To see the world.

To experience the new and the different.

To change the way we think about things.

To spend every day together.

To learn everything we possibly can about each other and ourselves.

To not sit at desks all day.

To walk more.

To see and learn about new species of animals.

To touch elephants.

To walk on glaciers.

To walk across rivers.

To taste things we’ve always wanted to or never even knew existed.

To eat many different types of chilis.

To explore the world’s supermarkets.

To see the stars in darker skies.

To see a whole lot of sunsets.

To wake up to different types of birds singing to us.

To challenge ourselves.

To overcome our fears.

To forget about LAM.

To inspire others.

To make new friends.

To hear new languages spoken by others and ourselves.

To have different conversations.

To understand different perspectives.

To live our lives as fully and as completely as we can.

To never take a single breath for granted.


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38 thoughts on “Why we travel

  1. Sheree says:

    Yes, to all!

    Special mention to “walk more” (it never ceases to amaze me how much more willing I am to walk dozens of kilometers when visiting a new country, while back home walking those kinds of distances would have me like “ughhhhh”), and to “tasting new things” (my favourite memories of travel almost always involve food).

    This is such a special list, thank you for sharing <3

    • Sarah and Justin says:

      Thank you! I feel like all we do when we travel is walk and eat. It’s amazing how the simple things can bring us such joy, yet that’s so easy to forget and take that for granted when we’re home.

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