Pictures to inspire you to visit Dijon

Visit Dijon, France

Last Updated on 8th January 2019 by Sarah and Justin

Dijon is a small city in the Burgundy region of France. It has wonderful wine and is a jumping off point for many to explore the vineyards in the region. The city is also famous for its mustard, which was a big draw for us (you may remember one of our favorite spots in the world is the mustard museum in Düsseldorf). We also wanted to continue our exploration of France, a country we had not spent too much time in previously.

And so, after our time in Provence, we were off to Dijon. Alas, the heat wave we’ve mentioned previously did not let up. We holed up in our air-conditioned hotel room quite a bit and didn’t see as much of Dijon as we had hoped. But we hit the big sights, tasted a whole lot of mustard, and saw enough of the city to be able to thoroughly recommend Dijon as a place to visit. It’s easy to get around, has a great food market, and a whole lot of charm. And mustard. What more could you want?

Apparently taking pictures is also difficult in intense heat because we were sad to discover how few pictures we took. But they were all actually a great representation of the city. So without further rambling, here are…

12 pictures to inspire you to visit Dijon, France

Sadi Carnot Monument, Dijon, France
The Sadi Carnot Monument in the Place de la République was full of happy children (and birds) escaping from the heat. 
Building, Dijon, France
We saw this gorgeous archway just walking around the city.
Medieval half-timbered houses, Dijon, France
Medieval half-timbered houses line some of the streets in Dijon.
Medieval half-timbered houses, Dijon, France
But sometimes they’re right next to more “modern” buildings. Love how the metalwork on those contrasted with the woodwork.
Building, Dijon, France
One of the more ornate buildings we’ve seen.
Église Saint-Michel, Dijon, France
Église Saint-Michel is less famous than Église Notre-Dame where the Magic Owl lives, but we quite liked the look of it.
Musée Rude, Dijon, France
This dramatic collection of sculptures is around the corner from Église Saint-Michel in Musée Rude. And you can just pop your head in.
Gold altar panel, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon, France
You can see this altar panel in the small collection at the (free) Musée des Beaux-Arts. The museum is located at the incredible Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy.
Alleyway, Dijon, France
How romantic is this alleyway?!
Rue Musette, Dijon, France
We had to take a picture of MJ in Dijon!
Owl’s Trail (le parcours de la chouette), Dijon, France
If you follow the Owl’s Trail (le parcours de la chouette), you’ll see all the big sights in Dijon. Look down for these signs on the streets which mark the way.
Magic Owl of Dijon, France
Don’t forget to make a wish on the Magic Owl of Dijon! You’ll find the little guy on the Église Notre-Dame.

Tips for visiting Dijon

  • You can taste real, delicious Dijon mustard at La Moutarderie Edmond Fallot and Maille. If you want to stock up, we would recommend going to the supermarket. It’s cheaper.
  • Les Halles is a really wonderful, local market with both indoor and outdoor stalls. They have all sorts of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as a ton of different types of meat and cheese and other delicious looking things. It’s definitely a place where locals shop. If you have a kitchen where you’re staying, shop at Les Halles! The market is open in the morning on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and all day Saturday.
  • We were staying too far to walk from the train station, so we took the tram, which was easy. You can buy tickets at a machine at the tram stop.
  • Dijon is about an hour and a half from Paris and about two hours from Basel (our next stop).

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Pictures to inspire you to visit Dijon, France

Pictures to inspire you to visit Dijon, France


11 thoughts on “Pictures to inspire you to visit Dijon

  1. Cassie says:

    Hope they provides sausages for all that mustard! It’s amazing how oppressive heat can stop you doing much. Thanks for introducing me to Dijon though. I’m a Brit and don’t think that’s a city I’ve visited despite the proximity.

  2. Christina says:

    Hahah it always cracks me up to see how lovely/quaint Dijon is, especially because yeah, in my head, it’s all about the mustard (which isn’t the most sophisticated thing in the world). I love that 8 bit Michael Jackson pic too! So cute 🙂

  3. Kate says:

    I went to Paris, but unfortunately completely overlooked Dijon. I had no idea it was so close to Paris or so fascinating. Plus, who doesn’t love mustard?!

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