LAM meet-up in Köln

LAM meet-up in Köln, Germany

Last Updated on 9th May 2021 by Sarah and Justin

The first woman with LAM I made on this journey was Sina. I met her in Berlin, but she actually lives near Köln, where Justin and I recently stayed for two weeks. Sina pulled out all the stops for our visit and organized a full-fledged German LAM meeting! It was one of the last things we did during our time in Köln and also one of the most memorable.

Justin and I were able to meet four new women with LAM and one of their husbands. We enjoyed a delicious lunch involving wursts and waffles and Kölsch and then did what Germans (and we!) do at this time of year and hung out at a Christmas Market and drank Glühwein.
LAM meet-up in Köln, Germany

I can’t thank Sina enough for organizing such a lovely day and for Sabine, Karla, Diana, and Sabine for meeting me.

I feel unbelievably lucky and grateful to have been able to meet so many amazing members of the LAM community over the past six months. Not only do I feel like I’ve expanded my own knowledge of this disease and helped others do the same, but I’ve also made some truly wonderful friends.

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