Coming home

Brooklyn, NY

Last Updated on 8th January 2019 by Sarah and Justin

Even though we are still in New Zealand on the blog (and in our hearts and souls), we are actually finally home. After 13 months living out of suitcases, we are getting settled back in Brooklyn and rediscovering the rest of our wardrobes and belongings.

It’s disorienting and to be honest a bit sad. To put it simply, this was the best year of our lives. And even though we’re not exactly sure what comes next, we do know it was a once in a lifetime experience. We got to spend almost every minute of every day together, see places we’d dreamed of for years, eat new and exciting foods, and make many friends across the world.

So as we move back into and on with our lives, we will be doing our best to remember all the special moments from the past year and feel grateful.

We have a few more months of our journey to write about, as well as more (hopefully) helpful planning and travel information. We hope you’ll enjoy reading and be inspired to travel or make a change or just do something you’ve always wanted to. It’s worth it.

Brooklyn, NY

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