Positive perspectives for women with LAM

Worldwide LAM Awareness Month

Having lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is awful. Not only is the physical decline challenging, the psychological effects are especially rough. But when you are diagnosed with an incurable disease, even though you’re allowed to be angry and feel bad, it can be helpful to find acceptance and see the positives. And there are positives! I know I never would have had the guts to quit my job and travel the world if it weren’t for this diagnosis. And this past year has been the best year of my life. The women I spoke with also have very inspiring, hopeful perspectives to offer.

Sina says…

It improved my attitude towards life! I feel that I’m much more aware of being alive and how great that is! I feel like I am in the position of someone who can add much more value and appreciate the miracle of life. When I got my diagnosis I thought my life was over. This experience makes life much more precious to me. While I tended to think things over and over again before the diagnosis, I just “make” it nowadays. What are the things you really love? Just do them! Do them now! I’m much more out in the nature than before because I love that! I do a lot more sports than before because I always used to do sports when I was a child. In general I do more things I used to do as a child. I try to follow my instincts a little more often and think a little less.

Maria says…

It’s strange how a chronic, progressive disease (with no cure) can re-shape your whole world. It slaps you right in the face, in the middle of your “130 MPH” life and forces you to reevaluate your priorities. It might even have made me a better person, since (looking back) I was ignoring my loved ones. I now spend every day creating memories and thanking God that I opened my eyes, one more day.

Kristy says…

I now know why I have restrictions and limitations, I no longer take things like staying in a job I hate as a way of life. I’ve reevaluated life goals and priorities.

Dina says…

Having LAM has brought me an amazing support community. All of my friends, my husband’s friends, and my family support me every single year with fundraisers for my medical. They take such good care of me and have shown me so much love that I would have never seen if it weren’t for LAM.

Meg says…

I have realized how much the people around me care. The support I’ve received from friends and family has been incredible.


Support women with LAM and help find a cure

Organizations that help women with LAM need your support! Click the below links to donate or learn more about the organizations that have helped the women who participated in this project.

WWLAM fundraising page for the The LAM Foundation (US)

LAM Selbsthilfe Deutschland e.V. (Germany)

Stichting LAM-Nederland (the Netherlands)

LAM Australia Research Alliance (Australia)

For information about all the global organizations that are a part of the Worldwide LAM Patient Coalition, click here.

Worldwide LAM Awareness Month (WWLAM)

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