In 2010, Sarah was diagnosed with an incredibly rare lung disease called lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). LAM is a fatal disease without a cure. Read Sarah’s Story to learn more. We have devoted a large part of our travels this year to raising awareness of LAM and helping connect the global LAM community.

June 2017 has been designated as the first Worldwide LAM Awareness Month (WWLAM) by the Worldwide LAM Patient Coalition. WWLAM brings together the global community in a collaborative effort to educate the world about the signs and symptoms of LAM, what it means to live with LAM, and to share our achievements to inspire researchers and clinicians to optimize therapies and find a cure.

WWLAM on Travel Breathe Repeat

Ten women contributed their stories for us to share during WWLAM. Our goal is to raise awareness of LAM and offer advice and inspiration to other women living with LAM. You can read about…

Read more about the women who participated in this project

About the LAM Foundation

The LAM Foundation is the largest global organization providing support for LAM patients while also leading the advancement of research and the search for a cure for this disease. Donate to the LAM Foundation now.

For more information about WWLAM and other members of the Worldwide LAM Patient Coalition, see below or click here.

WWLAM Information